As part of the 18th edition of the "Journées de la matière condensée" that will be held in Lyon from the 22nd to the 26th of August 2022, the 3SR laboratory is involved in the organisation of a mini-colloquium entitled "stimuli responsive soft matter"

Soft solids are omnipresent in our everyday life, such as in the food industry (e.g. yoghurts), in cosmetics (e.g. shaving foam), in construction (e.g. cement) or in natural environments (e.g. mud).
In this mini-conference, the focus will be made on the physics and physicochemistry of non-equilibrium soft solids. More particularly, the response of such soft solids to mechanical, electrical, and chemical sollicitations will be discussed.
The objective is to address the following questions:
- How can such solicitations be experimentally implemented?
- How to characterise the response of soft solids to these solicitations?
- Can we rationalise and model these phenomena?
- Are there universal behaviours common to different systems under different types of solicitations?
- What are the potential applications ?
Registrations are open. The call for papers is open until the 15th of April.