On the 20th of March 2020, the LabEx ARCANE, CEMAM, LANEF, OSUG and Tec21, the Instituts Carnot POLYNAT and ENERGIES DU FUTUR, and the CDP GLYCO@ALPS and COSMETHICS get together to organise a scientific day dedicated to Chemistry.

The aim of this day is to favour interactions between chemists and/or people using chemistry in their research, and promote
the existing know-how in chemistry through conferences dealing with the 3 main themes: Environment, Health and Energy.
The participants can present posters about their work and compete for the best poster prize that will be awarded in each of the 3 categories.
Registration is free but the number of attendees is limited. The dead line for registration is on the 10th of March.
The conference will take place on the university
campus, in the amphitheatre Jean Besson, 351 rue de la chimie, from 8:30 am to 5 pm (see the map below)
For more information about the event,
email the organisation

Detailed programme of the day
PDF format

Online registration

Website of the conference
Journée Chimie à Grenoble