On the 7th of June 2016, the key academic partners of the PEI platform were present on the university campus to introduce the platform to almost 80 attendees coming from research groups, education units, big industries, SMEs and technological start-up companies.

Since 2007, the scientific community in mechanical and process engineering in Grenoble is putting significant efforts in the structuration of its experimental tools and of its scientific expertise, as well as in the strengthening of the education offer in Grenoble (a number of education programs dedicated to the Engineering of Industrial Systems, or to Industrial Processes and the Management of the Environment were launched by the Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble-INP).

In 2010, 8 research laboratories belonging to the Université Grenoble Alpes, the CNRS, Grenoble INP and IRSTEA decided to join forces and create the Fédération Galileo Galilei de Grenoble.

The PEI project was born from this long-term collective effort which beneficiated from the initial involvement of the Envirhonalp cluster and was recently reinforced by the support of Tec21, the Center for Excellence in Mechanical and Process Engineering.

In 2013, as part of the Opération Campus “Grenoble Université de l’Innovation”, the University engaged in the biggest construction project on the campus since more than 30 years, and in November 2015, the 2 200 m² ground floor of the Galilée building was made available for hosting the whole PEI platform, i.e. the education and students projects area, the start-up private surfaces, and the “process hall” dedicated to hosting semi-industrial pilots, large size experiments and public-private projects to be carried out by researchers in collaboration with industries.


On the 7th of June 2016, the key academic partners of the PEI platform were present on the university campus to introduce the platform to almost 80 attendees coming from research groups, education units, big industries, SMEs and technological start-up companies.

This day was the occasion for the managers of the platform to reaffirm the will of the scientific community in mechanical and process engineering to reinforce its relations with industrial players in chemical engineering, agri-food industry, oil and gas, biorefinery and new materials, through collaborative projects putting together researchers, R&D engineers, and students from the numerous education units active in Grenoble in engineering sciences.

Key industrial players were present to explain their activities in chemical engineering, effluents treatment and material processing, and highlight the main challenges in their industry to help the scientific community connect its research activities to the current R&D problems.

A number of bilateral meetings were organised to give researchers and industrials the opportunity to discuss more in depth specific R&D topics and build contacts for further shared projects that will fuel the platform’s activity.


Mathieu Tilquin


PEI platform on process engineering